Thursday, January 2, 2014

Optimism and White Paint

"I always use plenty of optimism and white paint." -Elsie de Wolfe (1865-1950)

I love the idea of optimism and white paint: the phrase evokes new beginnings, fresh opportunities, a blank canvas - an excitement, a hopefulness, a plethora of possibilities. This is what I'm feeling as I launch Optimism + White Paint, a blog named for a quote by Elsie de Wolfe, the founder of the interior design profession and lover of the color white.

Speaking of white, as I'm writing this, New York is expected to experience a blizzard starting any moment now.  Remember those childhood nights before a snow storm, when you'd eagerly wear your pajamas inside out and place a wooden spoon under your pillow in hopes of a snow day?  (Or maybe it was wear your pajamas inside out or place a wooden spoon under your pillow, or else you'd cancel it out?  I can't remember, and now I feel old.) Anyway, to start this blog off, here are some beautiful white interiors.


(via Lonny)

(Architect John Pawson's home via minimalissimo)

Happy 2014!

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