Hi, nice to meet you!
Welcome to my blog, Optimism + White Paint. For now, I'll go by Kate. I'm a young interior designer in NYC with big dreams. O+WP is where I'll share my inspiration, thoughts, and ideas about design, art, and whatever tickles my fancy. If you'd like to be featured on my blog, please email me. I'd be more than happy to consider it! If you'd like to include any of my work from O+WP on your blog, please link back to the original post - and thank you for the shout out!In my spare time, in addition to blogging here, I love spending time with my twin sister, my handsome boyfriend, and my sister's crazy but lovable cat, Olive, who will occasionally make some appearances here on O+WP. I try to flex my creative muscles by drawing portraits, teaching myself how to cook (which has been ... interesting), learning origami, taking pictures, dabbling in DIY, and now blogging on O+WP. I also love learning, which is one of the reasons why I have both a Bachelor's and a Master's degree in interior design. Another reason is in addition to designing residential interiors, I aspire to teach interior design at a college level one day. The other reason is I enjoy a good challenge!
I hope you enjoy my blog as much as I'm enjoying writing it! Have a lovely day and please subscribe for updates.
- Kate